Centrul Interdisciplinar de Studii Arheoistorice

Despre CISA

Catedra de Istorie Veche si Arheologie este una din cele patru catedre ce functioneaza în cadrul Facultatii de Istorie, dupa reorganizarea colectivului didactic al acestei facultati (1998), care a grupat profesorii pe baza preocuparilor lor stiintifice si didactice. Si în perioada anterioara, când profesorii activau în doua catedre (Istoria Românilor si Istoria universala), a existat totusi o coordonare a celor preocupati de studierea disciplinelor de preistorie, istorie antica si arheologie în cadrul Seminarului de Arheologie. Reînfiintarea acestuia a fost aprobata de Senatul Universitatii la sfârsitul anului 1968. Seminarul coordoneaza si activitatea laboratoarelor de arheologie, dispunând de un sediu propriu, în corpul H al Universitatii ("Casa Catargi", monument de arhitectura de la începutul secolului al XIX-lea, a carui restaurare integrala a fost terminata în 1998)...

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Studia Antiqua et Archaeologica

Category 2010: B

CNCSIS Code: 513

Complete title / IDB title: Studia Antiqua et Archaeologica

ISSN (print and/or electronic): 1224-2284

Publication frequency: annual

Journal website: cisa.uaic.ro/saa

BDI indexations: Index Copernicus, Mainz Akademie

SAA Aims and scope

Our main aim is a high scientific standard.

Studia Antiqua Archaeologica is a journal in which the aims and the scope are based on the originality of the articles and on interdisciplinary studies, concretized in a peer-review process.

We accept for publication articles from every field connected or related to archaeology and ancient history in which the new contributions are clearly defined.


Name and surname: Bîrliba Lucretiu

Telephone: 0040-232-201615

Fax: 0040-232-201156

Email: blucretiu@yahoo.com

Address: Bld. Carol I, no. 11, 700506, Iași


An offprint is available immediately upon publication and is an exact copy of author's complete article. Offprints are provided freely to authors in either paper or digital (PDF) form. All authors automatically receive a free link to the full text of their article, which will allow other people to view their work without a subscription.


Proofs are sent to the corresponding author by e-mail as a PDF file. These should be read carefully, paying particular attention to any tables, figures and references, and then corrected and returned to the Editor-in-Chief by e-mail within ten business days of receipt. Extensive changes at the proof stage are not permitted. In the event of important developments in a field that affect the manuscript arising after the final revision, a 'Note added in proof' may be permitted.

Conflict of interest

All funding sources supporting the work and all institutional or corporate affiliations are acknowledged. Except as disclosed on a separate attachment, I certify that I have no commercial association (e.g., consultancies, stock ownership, equity interest, patent-licensing arrangements) that might pose a conflict of interest in connection with the submitted article, and that I accept full responsibility for the conduct of the trial, had full access to all the data, and controlled the decision to publish.

Manuscript structure

Manuscripts should be structured as follows:

     - Article title;
     - Author's names and contact details for publication;
     - Abstract;
     - Text;
     - Acknowledgements;
     - References;
     - Figure captions;
     - Tables;
     - Supplementary material.


Studia antiqua et archaeologica prefers to receive submissions in English, French, German, Italian and Spanish.

Submission process

All submissions are considered by the Editor-in-Chief in the first instance. Suitable papers are peer-reviewed by a minimum of two experts. Peer-reviewers (also known as Referees) are selected for their knowledge and expertise and may include, but are not limited to Studia antiqua et archaeologica's Editorial Board. Submissions are assessed on the potential interest of new historical discoveries, ideas and methods and significance.

Authors are strongly advised to read the notes for contributors before submitting a manuscript. Submitted manuscripts that do not adhere to Studia antiqua et archaeologica's standards may be returned to the author(s).